talk therapy

Summer Reading: The Song of Our Scars by Haider Warraich

To course-correct our approach to pain, we need to change the story of chronic pain – pushing back on the voices attempting to convince us all pain is catastrophic and life threatening and needs immediate attention over everything else right now – but yet – pain is world consuming

Review: Empathy, Embodiment, and the Person: Husserlian Investigations of Social Experience and the Self by James Jardine

Okay – the photo is kinda scary, but he is a really kind man. Will empathy solve the problem? Husserl himself withheld the manuscript of Ideas II from publication. He was not satisfied with the results, having been accused of succumbing to the problematic philosophical dead-end of solipsism, the inability to escape from the isolated self, knowing only itself.

Revolution of the Ordinary by Toril Moi (Reviewed)

Moi’s book uses Wittgenstein as a path to reading literature, asserting, like Wittgenstein, that “nothing is hidden.” It turns out that quite a lot is “hidden in plain view.” The “hermetic of suspicion” is roundly critiqued by Moi, but, I assert, in way uncharitably. Find out the details.

Top Ten Empathy Trends For 2022

A new year and a new virus variant? Being cynical and resigned is easy, and the empathy training is to drive out cynicism and resignation – then empathy naturally comes forth. If given half a chance. People want to be empathic. The prediction is that with a rigorous and critical empathy (and getting a very high percent of the population vaccinated), we are equal to the challenge.

Empathy versus bullying: Part 3: Recommendations for Students, Parents, Educators

First, these recommendations are about getting back your power—or at least some of your power—in the face of bullying. Sometimes that looks like making a tactical retreat, much as one might dislike doing so, in order to reestablish boundaries and integrity. The idea is to de-escalate the potential confrontation. What de-escalation looks like is different according to the situation. 

Empathy, Brain Science, Stress Reduction – the Video!

This is your mind on neuroscience – mirror neurons: do they exist, and if not, what about it?
Sperry on the split brain: the information is in the system: how to get at it
The neuroscience of trauma – and how empathy gives us access to it
MRI research: as when Galileo looked through the telescope, a whole new world opens